"I now know just how important insurance is, and what a difference it can make in someone's life."

posted 14th April 2023
This is the claim testimonial for Mr Miketa who found himself needing to make a claim on his Income Protection, along with his Critical Illness policy. A powerful account of why cover is so important!
I initially bought insurance because I was buying a flat. I am a single person, so my concern was if I had any accident or health issue, it would mean I'd have a problem paying my mortgage. I didn't want to risk forfeiture of the flat, and wanted to ensure I could maintain the monthly instalment. So, I decided to take out an Income Protection plan, along with some Critical Illness cover.
To many people, insurance like this may seems unnecessary, but reflecting back I realized what an important decision I had made.
I have family in Poland, so went to visit them. While there, I had an accident - it led to a cerebral-cranial injury. This was an incredibly hard time for me, as well as my family. From the time of the accident, I lost all memory of what had happened. I am still under the supervision of doctors of a neurologist and during rehabilitation I was also diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer.
After improving my physical and mental fitness, I considered all variants and undertook an analysis of my insurances, which seemed redundant some time ago before the accident.
First contact was with the insurer, however I found interacting with them a bit of a challenge - I was in a different country, undergoing treatment and I didn't really know whether I was entitled to claim or not, but I sent all the documents that I had to my Adviser Steve at Vita. He and Paul (the Director) massively helped in this matter. It certainly accelerated the decision of the insurer who stated that I am covered by this insurance and that I am entitled to claim.
This brought huge financial relief to me and my family - I would like nothing more than to be healthy and not to have had the accident in the first place, but I can't change that. However, thanks to this insurance I can undergo rehabilitation, and continue my recovery to full fitness.
I now know just how important insurance is, and what a difference it can make in someone's life.
The money from the policy helped me and my family in rehabilitation. I'm still not able to return to the UK as I'm under the care of a neurologist who doesn't approve me to return to the UK by plane or long car journey, so the money from the policy allows me to pay for the treatment, and for the mortgage on my flat in the UK. Over and above this, it's providing me with more comfort and peace in my life not only for me but also for my family.
I first came to the UK in 2005, with poor English but I worked hard to be able to buy my first flat. The money from the policy gave me and my family more peace of mind I did not lose my home - at my age of 44 I don't have to try and work all over again for what I have already achieved. The reality is, without this insurance, I could have lost it all as a result of an accident. The insurance money protects me, and it will serve me for a long time. I didn't buy the car I dreamed of all my life, I put my health and family first. I am financially self-sufficient despite the fact that I am no longer working for over a year and do not receive any income I am close to my parents in Poland who are over 80 and I can help them too financially. Without insurance my life and theirs, life would be completely different. I don't know if they would be able to help me financially, so on it would be hard...really hard.
Before the accident, I was a strong and healthy person - I never thought I'd be ill or have an accident. I worked as a driver, and I was always aware of my expenditure each month, but this insurance premium felt like a worthwhile expense. It made sense to me, and gave me peace of mind for the 'what if' that may happen in life. It was logical - the thought of having a major injury could mean I you wouldn't be able to work...you couldn't keep the flat...and you can pay the bills...you'd lose your possessions that you've worked for over a long period of time.
So from my experience, it's worth allocating some of your hard earned money to protect not only yourself but also your family. Have those conversations with friends and family now! This insurance gave me financial security - yes, I have a continuing health impairment but I haven't lost what I worked for most of my life. It gives me peace and time to recover rebuilding myself. I recommend insurance to everyone. because as the words of the bible say, you don't know the day or the hour......
Mr Miketa (Leicester)